Careers in synthetic chemistry at ChiroBlock
We are currently seeking Laboratory Technicians / Assistants, Chemistry (m/f/d). Please find detailed job descriptions and more information on the vacant positions here:
Job Chemical Laboratory Technician Assistant Chemistry 2024 ENG.pdf
Job Lab Technician (German) - Kilo Scale.pdf
Not your position? - but you think you can add value to our team? We are permanently seeking motivated and passionate people to support our team. Please feel free to send us your application. Thank you very much for your interest in ChiroBlock.
Why working at ChiroBlock?
Business is for people. People are not business.
Business is based on employees. Employees get empowered by business.
Business is part of life. Life benefits from business.
This is common sense but not true everywhere.
At ChiroBlock – motivated people have met to fill these phrases with life.
And we want to grow. So, more such people are sought.
“Apple or Android?”, “Muesli or Sausages?”, “Saxonian or Welsh?”, “Crocheting or Diving?”, “Bicycle or Van?”, “Atheist or Hindu?”, “Coffee or Tea?”, “Dogs or cats?” … these may be important differentiators elsewhere – but they are not relevant to us.
All we share is a passion of chemistry and the will to commercialize new and bright ideas.
ChiroBlock is bridging the gap between chemical basic research at universities and industrial manufacturing.
So, we are looking for people building such bridges, people who understand both worlds of chemistry. People, who find basic R&D at universities exciting but get repelled by uniformity, by lacking impacts on the everyday life, by bureaucracy, by teaching and by writing papers.
People, with a bias for industry but with no interest in “stupid” large scale manufacturing or product development beyond chemistry.
“Curious Realists” and “Excited Bridge-builders”
ChiroBlock transforms matter and, hence, fuels any matter based industry.
So we are looking for people who are – or want to become - generalists in all techniques of (bio)chemical synthesis. People, who understand, that chemistry is key to nearly all problems of mankind. People, who want to contribute to mankind’s problem solving.
“Matter grounded Generalists and Transformers”.
ChiroBlock reshapes scientific findings empowering them for new everyday products. At ChiroBlock, we perform applied R&D in chemistry – meaning to find solutions to “matter-based” problems.
So, we are looking for people who really think “out-of-the box”, who understand the final need, who do not adhere to any bias, who flexibly apply scientific excellence to ever-changing problems.
“unbiased [out-of-the…] Boxers”
ChiroBlock’s name is not printed bolted on the products but without our input the product would not exist. We do not work in the limelight but we do light many fires.
So, we are looking for team players who value results more than vanity, who do not play a role but who design a game.
“Modest Geniuses” and “Team-playing Pyrotechnicians”
ChiroBlock makes an impact. All impacts derive from our staff. Staff is team and team are bright individuals. Is not that you?
Become part of our team and discover how ChiroBlock can become part of your life.
What we do:
Watch the video introducing ChiroBlock's services
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