your outsourcing partner for new and complex molecule syntheses
ChiroBlock offers a custom-tailored combination of unbiased pre-project counseling, science-based chemistry services, and actual synthesis.
- We are able to synthesize new compounds (mg to kg) using a plethora of technologies and tools in compliance with certified quality management systems, with our core expertise being the development, testing, and optimization of the corresponding route(s).
- ChiroBlock's route scouting capabilities provide optimal and UNBIASED results due to being based on a combination of the latest external R&D results with our internal knowledge management and IT tools.
- Prior to aligning synthetic strategies with customer requirements, one needs to ask the right questions, e.g., what compound with what specifications is needed, what are the IP issues, pricing, environmental impact, technical process limitations, and regulatory restrictions? Again, we are here to assist you at this stage.
- Finally, before asking the above questions, one needs to understand this very special business and the features and differences of the involved players, contract options, and risk/project management, which is exactly where our service starts.
Have you ever constructed and built a house completely on your own?
The development of new products is comparable to the construction of a house. Only few large companies can cover all stages of the development process with own in-house resources and capacities and - additionally - be at the technological forefront with each of these stages. Therefore, the outsourcing of special tasks to focused partners is essential for maximizing the chances of success. With all its facets, pitfalls, and possibilities, chemical synthesis R&D is a vividly developing and very complex field of its own. Most of ChiroBlock's (potential) customers do know about the advantages of outsourcing some/all aspects of chemical syntheses and their development & optimization, e.g.:
- the availability of chemical resources on demand
- lower in-house investment requirements
- access to external know-how
- unbiased strategy evaluation
- focus on core business lines
- faster access to the new compounds / processes
Where to start with chemistry outsourcing?
You would not start building a house without a plan, and a construction company would not be the right address for creating and verifying such a plan, which should be drafted by a professional architect. Similarly, an efficient and validated small-scale route is the basis of the commercial success of subsequent production. Although nobody expects the architect to actually build the house or manufacture tiles, a thorough understanding of construction, statics, and materials as well as the ability to present a ''small-scale model'' are indispensable.
This is exactly why we focus on small- to medium-scale synthesis, which allows us to develop a verified plan and produce the very first samples for testing. If required by the customer, we also up-scale and manufacture such products on kg-scale later on. However, we never run kg- or even ton-scale production and are ready to transfer processes to customers or third parties. ChiroBlock is selling knowledge, thus relying on highly qualified synthetic R&D chemists and a wide range of available technologies. Manufacturers, on the other hand, need experts in the fields of engineering, technical staff, plants, and machines.
So why would you leave routing, synthesis design, and small-scale syntheses to manufacturers?
Similarly to the case of house construction, the manufacturers are the right partner for scale-up and mass production, however, being poorly suited for designing a process or transferring results from basic research to industrial applications.
One out of hundreds of research reagents and small-scale processes might be needed on a larger scale. Are you lost then – with ChiroBlock?
In case one of our small-scale compounds turns out to be needed in larger amounts – this is no problem at all, since our customers can freely choose between using own resources and partners or to rely on our effective vertical cluster of (GMP-compliant) manufacturing companies. Clearly defined intersections guarantee the seamless transfer between ChiroBlock and these pre-selected partners. The same applies if additional technological or scientific expertise is required.
Moreover, we have established a horizontal network of technology providers, specialists and experts ready to contribute as soon as our customers need it or we deem it helpful. Therefore, do not hesitate to start co-operations already at this point! We will help you to ask the right questions and guide you through the multitude of answers.
Some companies decide to outsource R&D to institutes or collaborate with universities. So why not consult them for small-scale contract synthesis?
Although you will find first-class scientists and new chemical approaches, you will definitely have to cope with:
- lack of reproducibility due to missing detailed reporting, documentation, and quality management control
- IP problems due to staff fluctuation, a lacking awareness of confidentiality issues, and conflict of interests regarding the dissemination of results
- low efficiency due to low economical pressure
- unavoidably biased approaches of group leaders specialized in a certain field of technology
ChiroBlock, however, delivers the services required at the very beginning of each synthesis, namely routing, scouting, synthesis design, sample preparation, optimization, validation, IP mapping, IP generation and development of lab- to kg-scale syntheses – no more, no less. We do not predict compound properties or manufacture final products but rather focus on forming and breaking chemical bonds.
Remember: one-stop chemical service providers for all kinds of chemistry-related tasks - including manufacturing, the prediction of structure-activity relations or trading - cannot manage to be THE experts in each and every field and are thus not able to build up the same innovation and know-how power of a specialized company.
Conversely, ChiroBlock serves only the small- to medium-scale synthesis of sophisticated molecules and the corresponding R&D. We are solely engaged in synthesis, and are entirely focused on the service business – we do not manufacture non-exclusive products or trade own or third party products on a regular basis. As a result of this clear focus:
- ChiroBlock is staffed and equipped to perfectly match the market needs, relying on excellent staff (50% holding a master or a PhD degree), on purpose-fit proprietary tools, business processes, soft- and hardware components to manage risks, quality, projects, utilizing knowledge acquired over about 20 years.
- These tools, combined in ChiroBlock's “Synthesis R&D Platform”, enable us to both bear most risks of R&D projects for the benefit of our customers and stay profitable without engaging in any complementary “classical” business field.
- Consequently, ChiroBlock offers most of its services on a “fee-for result” basis.
- In contrast to specialized ''technology providers'', ChiroBlock is entirely unbiased regarding the technologies of synthesis, purification and analytics, hence very often finding more straightforward and more appropriate routes than those expected with a certain technology in mind.
- ChiroBlock does not sell mere resources but rather offers scientific input. Dealing “only” with small- to medium-scale syntheses, we are able to keep pace with the scientific and technological progress in this field, transferring the latest results of basic research into industrial applications.
- ChiroBlock manages all synthesis-related work in the gap between basic research at public institutes and process development at manufacturing companies.
What else makes ChiroBlock your ideal outsourcing partner for small-scale contract synthesis?
- strictest IP protection – ChiroBlock permanently invests in high security
- minimal staff turnover
- frequent and honest communication with our customers
- track record since 1999
- flexible option & contract models to meet your specific demands
- excellent infrastructure – within Europe’s largest chemistry cluster
- experience in all branches (from pharma to sensors)
We talk the languages of both chemical science and industry. Just speak to us!
Handling contract synthesis services is associated with a number of potential pitfalls: Outsourcing to chemical service providers working on FTE contracts
The FTE model provides dedicated resources for custom synthesis but not the most efficient approach due to its resource-based payment scheme. An FTE contract may be the right option in selected cases: when outsourcing huge amounts of work, when applying predictable chemistry or in cases of pure basic research. It definitely can be managed more easily, prices of competitors can directly be compared.
However, this method does not allow clients to transfer all risks to the service provider. The cCRO inevitably is not motivated to built own proprietary tools or to create efficient processes allowing to offer guaranteed results. Hence, the FTE model only seems to be a calculable contact option at first glance - in fact, the customers face unpredictable costs and uncertain outcomes. Learn more about contract options for custom synthesis projects here.
Outsourcing to (GMP-compliant) manufacturers
Here, one finds excellent experts for managing and optimizing chemical production processes and quality management issues. However, one rarely finds profitable research departments completely dedicated to R&D on the syntheses of new molecular entities that are very unlikely to be ever manufactured on a larger scale.
Moreover, you will miss the independent and flexible approaches tapping the latest innovations. R&D departments at manufacturing companies necessarily act as internal service providers for troubleshooting the running processes and for transferring new products and processes to the production stage. This is a completely different aim compared to the making of a hitherto unknown compound only once and/or for the first time.
So, should you put your development projects at risk by neglecting these issues when choosing one of these suboptimal alternatives? Leave your sophisticated custom synthesis projects to a dedicated and focused R&D company not engaged in manufacturing or trading. Bear in mind the drawbacks of offers that merely sell “capacity”. Build the success of your product development on the basis of ChiroBlock's business fields:
► MoleculeFactory - Custom Synthesis Service
► ReDesignFactory - Route Scouting & Process Development
our synthesis services at a glance
- 1. our FFR/ FFS contract model makes costs & risks predictable
- 2. customer feedback: 100% recommendation without hesitation
- 3. success rate (FFR Projects): 94,8%
- 4. continuously improving management of risks, quality, projects and know-how, many efficient proprietary software tools
- 5. perfectly equipped facilities + excellent staff (50% holding an academic degree)
- 6. broad range of synthesis & purification technologies available
- 7. broad customer base from many industry branches allow us an unbiased view and the understanding of divers needs/demands
- 8. highest security standards to protect your data and ideas
- 9. member in a cluster of excellence to complement our services
- 10. ChiroBlock is fully owned by its staff and free of third party interests. This makes us even keener on the successful completion of your projects.