The future of 4Chiral is 4Synth! The cluster of excellence for synthesis is more vibrant than ever before!

ChiroBlock is one of the founding members of the 4chiral network. It was formed as a preliminary cluster of a handful chemistry companies in Bitterfeld already 20 years ago. Since these humble early days much has changed: Now 35 companies and academic institutions are active members, regular common marketing activities get organised, many projects have been successfully finished in close cooperation of the partners. But this is not yet the end.
Our annual meeting in 2022 marked the beginning of a new era. This can not only be derived from the fact that it was our first ever two-days meeting (there was much to talk about!) but also from the decisions that were made:
- The cluster will change its name: “4synth” instead of “4chiral”. This reflects the scope of our activities much better as “chirality” is only one aspect of our expertise.
- We will welcome additional new members – and, hence, grow beyond the 40!
- We decided to also invite guests to our meetings who provide experiences, skills and insights of areas that are of general interest to our members.
- We also will invest in new online marketing tools – first of all in a new website as to attract even more potential customers and/or partners.
Pic: annual meeting 4 Chiral network 2022 in Berlin.
If you have not yet heard about “4chiral” – this perhaps is our only weakness that needs to be addressed in near future: We have been very active in many fields of chemistry for years but we hardly speak about it.
To give you an idea of the nature of 4chiral – here the basics in short:
- Common basis: The transformation of matter has to be the focus of each member (not a final product, not a special application and not a selected target/customer industry)
- Common location: The member has to have its main location in one of the six states in the northeast of Germany (we wish to closely collaborate, hence to visit each other)
- Common sense: The (industrial) members have to be independent, small to medium sized, preferably owner-run companies (we want to talk one language in comparable company cultures and to act quickly and flexibly)
The network was formed as a response to the fact that the northeast of Germany lacks independent large chemical companies with a strong internal R&D. Instead, the industrial landscape was (and still is) dominated by dozens of small but highly innovative industrial entities. Each of them is an expert in special areas but none of them is able to attract or to handle larger projects in the field of matter transformation (either chemical or biochemical). United in the cluster 4chiral, however, such large projects get handled perfectly to our customers’ satisfaction. So, for instance, a complex API synthesis can be developed, validated, scaled and finally applied in a production. Several companies work together: a non-GMP company finding the optimal route, an analytical partner who contributes all analytical data, a biotech company delivering a special enzyme and a GMP CMO that establishes the process in its manufacturing. This is just one example of many others. Key for success is the mutual trust, the clearly defined intersections and the distinct flexibility of all partners.
Just another reason for our success: The flat hierarchy! There is no full-time management, there is no elaborate legal structure. There are only two cluster speakers, Max Fuhr of the Chemiepark Bitterfeld and Oliver Seidelmann of ChiroBlock who organise the communication, the meetings and questions of the membership. Everything else works kind of self-organizational.
So, our 2022 meeting, perfectly hosted by our member emp Biotech in Berlin, did not only mark our 20th anniversary but also proved the success and agility of our cluster idea and its organisation.
Be assured: Despite its age, “4chiral” / “4Synth” is as vibrant, as responsive, as innovative as ever. We will continue to provide excellent chemistry related solutions for our customers. And: We also will start to communicate more about our work without compromising our commitment: more content than appearance!
The next annual meeting will take place in Bitterfeld/ Wolfen on 30th – 31st of March 2023. The hosts for this years’ event are ChiroBlock & Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen.