4. December 2024
Recent publications: Our Customers’ Contribution to Scientific Research

ChiroBlock provides customized compounds to the scientific community – we are pleased to present the recent publications from our customers! Many of ChiroBlocks custom synthesis project are executed under a strict NDA. But we also keep a close eye on those that lead to publications in scientific journals. In this…
13. November 2024
Looking back: 25 years of ChiroBlock
Darwinian Theory: A look back on 25 years ChiroBlock by Dr. Oliver Seidelmann Five years ago (when ChiroBlock turned 20), I kicked off the congratulatory note with a question: “What do you think, is the most significant event of this year?”, followed by some playful suggestions. Now, five turns around…
5. September 2024
25 years of ChiroBlock – honor by the IHK on the company anniversary

According to Creditreform, the average age of companies in Germany is 16 years. 50% of companies are under 10 years old, only 3.5 percent are over 50 years old and 1.2 percent are over 100 years old or older. ChiroBlock can therefore count itself among a smaller group of companies…
22. August 2024
ChiroBlock is investing 1 million Euros in a second kilo laboratory location

After ChiroBlock took the first step from the laboratory scale to the kiloscale in 2019, we are now taking another step towards expanding our kilo laboratory capacities. To expand and supplement the existing laboratory facilities with 60l and 100l reactors, ChiroBlock is now investing around EUR 1 million in additional…
29. May 2024
Meet us at Chemspec Europe

The 37th International Exhibition for Fine and Speciality Chemicals will take place from 19 – 20 June 2024, at Messe Düsseldorf, Germany. The exhibition showcases the entire spectrum of fine and speciality chemicals for various applications and industries. A first-rate conference programme accompanies the event and offers plenty of additional…
27. March 2024
We did it again! 22. 4Synth Meeting in Berlin

Last week the 22nd annual meeting of the 4Synth cluster took place in Berlin (Adlershof). 30 participants from more than 20 chemical companies discussed new developments, challenges and outlook of the chemical process industry in Germany. A big “Thank you” to the hosts ASCA, C1 Green Chemicals AG and Genosynth…
22. November 2023
Cinderella goes Industry – first multi-kg batches produced

Photolatent bases belong to that kind of compounds that are far less known than they should be with respect to their importance. These “Cinderella” molecules do not look exciting, they do not cure a life-threatening disease nor do they reverse climate change. However, triggered by light, they change their pKs…
22. June 2023
Seal of approval of the state of Saxony-Anhalt: ChiroBlock receives the award as an “employee-oriented company”

The satisfaction and health of employees in the company is not only an important and central topic in times of increasing shortage of skilled workers. The acquisition of new, qualified specialists, the increase of motivation and satisfaction of the employees, as well as the enhancement of health and occupational safety…
14. June 2023
Successful cooperation on the development of a new biostimulant technology MTU

Successful cooperation on the development of a new biostimulant technology MTU (IntraCropLimited) for agriculture plants affected by increasing dryness! Another milestone to secure the future global food production in times of global warming! Intracrop’s Account Manager Jack H. and Supply Chain Manager Darren Coleman recently visited ChiroBlock GmbH in Germany.…
15. March 2023
Review 2022 – Investments & Customer Voices

Maybe we have already pointed it out elsewhere – but 2022 has been the most successful year in ChiroBlock’s history!! Many new projects & customers contributed to this success. One of the main factors for this achievement has been the high customer satisfaction with our services. Successful completed initial projects…
2. March 2023
The future of 4Chiral is 4Synth! The cluster of excellence for synthesis is more vibrant than ever before!

ChiroBlock is one of the founding members of the 4chiral network. It was formed as a preliminary cluster of a handful chemistry companies in Bitterfeld already 20 years ago. Since these humble early days much has changed: Now 35 companies and academic institutions are active members, regular common marketing activities…
2. February 2023
New QMS Software: Quality Management – a wide term that needs to get filled with life!

The term “Quality Management” causes quite diverse perceptions and feelings with different individuals: Pure joy with professional auditors and QM tutors who really know and like their business Fear, rejection with many passionate employees who are engaged with other, apparently more important tasks within a company – and Mere boredom…
8. December 2022
The Cinderella Molecule – Optimized Route to a Photolatent Base

There are many functional molecules of any kind: dyes, catalysts, inhibitors, initiators, auxiliaries, protecting and enabling compounds, stabilizers, preserving agents, enhancers, modifiers, sensitizers, coagulants, moisturizing and drying additives, indicators and many more… All these functional molecules play an essential role in the final properties of a material, a consumer product…
8. August 2022
New HSE Report released!

At any time – and not only in periods of limited resources and world wide crisis resulting from wars, climate changes or inflation, every company should be aware of its responsibility for creating a safe, healthy and sustainable environment. Reducing consumptions, the substitution of hazardous goods and staff education are mandatory…
30. March 2022
4chiral network meeting (Berlin, 24/25.03.2022)

We wish to thank all those who participated in the recent annual 4chiral event at the Max-Delbrück Campus in Berlin. It was a vibrant exchange of ideas and experiences in the field of R&D and production of fine chemicals. Main challenges and new developments of the chemical industry were addressed…
26. January 2022
Meet us at the first business speed dating event: ECP 2022 – 16-Feb-2022 – 18-Feb-2022

The European Chemistry Partnering – the Industry Business Speed Dating Event with a focus on sustainability in all industries and applications that have their origins in chemical and biotechnological substances, processes and applications – will take place for the sixth time in a row. Set up a meeting with us…
8. October 2021
New Video: Introducing ChiroBlock and explaining its services to customers and partners – available now!
The amount of time that people spent watching videos online has constantly increased over the past few years. Videos play an important role in today’s marketing media mix. Complex topics can easily be explained with animations and are certainly more entertaining than long technical papers. ChiroBlock has worked on such…
15. September 2021
Meet us at Chemspec Digital 2021

ChiroBlock will be part of the Chemspec Digital Event on 29 – 30 September 2021. Chemspec Digital 2021 is an online meeting place for the global fine and speciality chemicals community. The interactive networking event will take place from 29 – 30 September 2021. The platform offers participants matchmaking facilities to conduct business meetings as…
30. July 2021
New Whitepaper on Synthesis of ICA on large scale

Whitepaper: What if scientists made a further substantial contribution to the fountain of youth? How isocitrate extents the life-span of cells and how new synthesis approaches make this compound available on a large scale For human beings there is a “natural, intrinsic” age of about 120 years that could be…
12. April 2021
Isocitrate – 2 qualities already available

As a result of an internal research project aiming at new synthesis approaches to Isocitric acid, ChiroBlock can offer 2 different qualities of this very special and promising compound. We have found 2 new approaches to Isocitric Acid. With these innovative, scalable processes we are able to produce pure Isocitric…
27. November 2020
Get 25% tax incentives for R&D projects with ChiroBlock

Since January 2020, the German government passed a law regulating the tax credit for R&D activities. As one of the last developed countries, Germany now also supports the innovation measures of private companies in this non-bureaucratic, effective and technologically un-biased way. Apart from own in-house research, also the sponsors of…
4. November 2020
Meet us @ 1st Chemspec Digital, 11 – 12 November 2020

Chemspec Digital 2020 is a new online meeting place for the global fine and speciality chemicals community. This interactive networking event will take place from 11 – 12 November 2020. The platform offers participants matchmaking facilities to conduct business meetings as well as webinars and further digital content for the exchange of knowledge…
10. September 2020
Meet us at the first virtual European Chemistry Partnering

European Chemistry Partnering goes digital (17-18 September 2020). Seize the chances in corona crisis. Defy the corona virus: Be present in the market despite travel restrictions. With your visibility and presence at the leading business speed dating, lay the foundation for more success for the time after the crisis. The…
7. April 2020
Update Corona: How ChiroBlock is affected by Corona

Coronavirus is hitting the economy badly. It forces us all to change the way we do business and causes huge shifts in our way of life. ChiroBlock has implemented measures in order to minimize the impact of – and the risks associated with – the current pandemic. In the interests…
30. January 2020
Meet us @ 4th European Chemistry Partnering, 27 February 2020

800 decision makers from more than 500 companies and organizations from 40 Countries and 6 Continents came together at the 3rd Chemistry Partnering in 2019 in Frankfurt. More than 100 Pitches & 2,000 Partnering-Meetings created co-operation and customer contact. In 2020 – at the 4th ECP – more than 1,000…
11. September 2019
Extended synthesis resources

All’s well that ends well! In August we finally could open our new kg-lab facility. Now, our customers benefit from this brand-new infrastructure in various ways: Up-scaling of lab procedures to the 60…100 l scale Validation of the robustness of newly developed synthesis processes Synthesis of master batches on the…
15. August 2019
New R&D Project: Isocitric Acid

In February 2019, a new research and development project has been launched at ChiroBlock. It’s topic is “The Synthesis of Isocitric Acid” and it will be part of our “IP-Factory” business line. Together with research partners in Leipzig (UFZ Leipzig, INC Leipzig) we are aiming at the development of an…
27. May 2019
Meet us at Chemspec in Basel, 26.06. – 27.06.2019

ChiroBlock will be exhibiting at Chemspec Europe 2019, the 34th International Exhibition for Fine and Speciality Chemicals. Now in its 34th edition, Chemspec Europe 2019 unites an impressive array of experts, scientists, managers and thought-leaders and provides a powerful and well-known industry platform to discuss the latest market trends, technical…
9. October 2018
New Biocides – Symposium at IKTR Institute

On September 25th, the sixth symposium on biocides took place at the IKTR institute in Weißandt-Gölzau (near Bitterfeld-Wolfen). ChiroBlock presented its latest achievements in the field of potential new preservatives for ophthalmics and cosmetics. These new, clearly defined poly cationic compounds combine the safety profile of the known polyquarternium-1 and…
30. August 2018
Upcoming Events

19.09.2018 Education Fair in Bitterfeld/ Wolfen. More Information: Bildungsmesse Bitterfeld Wolfen 22.09.2018 Tag der offenen Tür – 125 Jahre Chemieregion Bitterfeld Wolfen – More Information here. 25.09.2018 Conference at Institut für Kunststofftechnologie und -recycling e. V. – Theme: Biocides – Materials – New Applications & Developments
4. July 2018
New Kilo Lab

Extension of service: ISO 9001 quality regulated synthesis for your supply chain. We have asked our most experienced chemists to design a multi-purpose synthesis kilo lab with the possibility to perform a plethora of complex syntheses. The new mini-plant supports our efforts regarding the regular supply of fine and specialty…
24. May 2018
Meet us at Chemspec, Cologne, June 20-21

ChiroBlock will be exhibiting at Chemspec Europe 2018, the 33rd International Exhibition for Fine and Speciality Chemicals. If you are interested in a meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are sharing a big booth (E78, Hall 8) with our partners from a local chemistry partnering network. This…
13. March 2018
ERDF supported Investment

ChiroBlock was granted a financial support by the European Regional Development Fund to facilitate the investment plans of our company. As part of ChiroBlock’s strategy, we decided to built a new “multi purpose pilot plant” facility. Currently, our activities in developing and synthesizing new fine and specialty chemicals are limited…
10. January 2018
Meet us at 2nd European Chemistry Partnering

Meet us at Europe’s leading Chemistry industry Partnering event. It is all about innovation, cooperation, investments and customers. Agenda of the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering event: The establishment of mutual business contacts is the focus of European Chemistry Partnering. The course of the event is simple. On-site registration begins on…
30. November 2017
ChiroBlock: Grant of the CIR Certificate

ChiroBlock successfully applied for being recognized as R&D partner eligible for the French Research Tax Credit Scheme. Last month we were granted the so called “CIR Certificate” from the French Ministery of Research and Innovation. It is an acknowledgement of ChiroBlock’s long-standing and permanent activities in chemical research and development.…
25. May 2017
The Importance of Further Training and Education for Employees

Businesses today must do everything possible to stay competitive and maintain a highly qualified and motivated staff. Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees. One of the most important reasons to offer further training and education to employees is to ensure that work skills…
5. March 2017
Marriage of Chemistry to Plant-Based Economy

The finite nature of fossil resources has been discussed for decades as well as their negative impact on our environment. The number and decisiveness of real consequences of these facts are not too impressive by now. Single, locally restricted and mainly half-hearted measures have been taken such as the ban…
1. November 2016
Nurturing chemical start-ups

Starting-up a business is not an easy task. Founding a chemical company, certainly, belongs to the more complex business ventures. The consequences are obvious: In contrast to vibrant founding activities in the IT and trading businesses, new chemical companies are scarce. Given the importance of the chemical industry in Germany…
26. July 2016
New focus: Natural Compounds

ChiroBlock has been dealing with syntheses of (chiral) building blocks, many of them constituents of natural compounds, for more than a decade. However, directly addressing entire, complex natural compounds has not been the business focus so far. In July this started to change. A new technical department was equipped, staffed…
16. April 2016
Promising News at Lipocalyx

Lipocalyx, a German biotech company in the field of non-viral transfection reagents, has been developing in a very impressive way since its foundation about five years ago. Four different product lines were established all of which show excellent transfecting properties. Their superiority compared to competing products did not only result…
26. January 2016
Sparking the Love for Chemistry
Chemistry naturally is fascinating. It doesn’t take much to enthuse people for this unparalleled mix of science, art and industrial applications – just one spark. However, this ignition doesn’t com from books. Chemistry needs to be touched, made, experienced, observed. For safety reasons, this can’t be done in a garage…
23. July 2015
Lab Space Extended

As a response to the increasing demand for ChiroBlock’s services, we extended our lab space by additional 100 sqm. The new laboratory has been designed for re-synthesis projects of customer specific compounds derived from either our MoleculeFactory – or our ReDesignFactory – business branch on scales between 100 g and…
15. March 2015
Ten Years Vocational Training at ChiroBlock: Best Apprentice Just Graduated

Qualified and dedicated staff is the most valuable treasure of every company. Just hiring people from outside is only second choice. While scientists have to study at universities and need to gain additional know-how and experiences at other institutions, technical staff is best qualified together with their future employer. ChiroBlock…
26. January 2015
R&D Milestones Reached

At the beginning of January, two major milestones of one of our internal R&D projects were reached. In our search for new preserving agents we both succeeded in identifying three new, more active compounds and, on the other hand, we could prove their low toxicity in vitro. Both aspects are…
17. November 2014
New QC lab opened

While Quality Control always has been an important issue at ChiroBlock, the relevance of this department has got a substantial push in the process of further developing our quality management system. Especially the requirements of our “ReDesignFactory”-business as well as the very first examples of providing special compounds as starting…
1. September 2014
ISO 9001 Certification

Responding both to the rising number of customer requirements and to the need of increasing our internal efficiency, ChiroBlock successfully applied for the certification of its quality management system according to the ISO 9001 norm. The two days audit, carried out by the CERTURIA agency and witnessed by the DAKKS…
5. August 2014
New Publication on the Cytotoxicity of ChiroBlock’s beta-Nitro Carboxylates
Beta-Nitro carboxylic esters are not only valuable precursors for (enantio pure) amino acid derivatives as ChiroBlock revealed in its “IP-Factory” business field some years ago, but they also proved to exhibit remarkable physiological properties. A research group headed by Prof. Dr. R. Csuk of the University of Halle investigated the…
26. June 2014
The Foundation for German Science awards ChiroBlock with seal of approval
The “Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft” has honoured ChiroBlock with the seal of approval for its Research & Development. “The Stifterverband tends to the bases of innovation: strong universities, promoting young talent, and ensuring fruitful exchange between business and science. That significantly boosts the competitiveness of German businesses.” says Kurt…
10. April 2014
News from our IPFactory: Lipocalyx starts international distribution for its Viromer technology

Halle, Mar 27th, 2014: Lipocalyx, a company offering the novel Viromer® transfection reagents, today announces the start of its sales in Taiwan, France and China. The company has entered into distribution agreements with GenDiscovery from Taiwan, the French firm Interchim and also with Maibio out of Shanghai, China. Steffen Panzner,…
10. October 2013
New R&D project started!

A new internal R&D project was launched on October the 1st. Together with the reseach group of Dr. Reichl at the Technical University in Braunschweig, ChiroBlock is aiming at new preserving agents. There is both an increasing demand for new types of such agents as well as for better synthetic…
26. August 2013
Achievements in Health – Safety and Environment – The new HSE Report
One central issue in ChiroBlock’s HSE policy is the responsible use of (electrical) energy. Despite the fact that the conversion of matter requires much energy in most cases, the German chemical industry strives to reduce the energy consumption in order to decrease the environmental footprint of its products and…
13. July 2013
Report: 2nd quarter 2013
ChiroBlock successfully completed the first major projects in the business field “ReDesign Factory” in 2013. Here, new, validated synthesis processes on lab scale have been developed which replaced older, less efficient ones. One customer, for example, benefits from an improved hydrogenation procedure resulting in a substantial reduction of the…
26. May 2013
3rd 4chiral workshop – Free Download
Free Download: Presentations given by Prof. Dr. René Csuk (Professor for Organic Chemistry, MLU), Dr. Jens Holz (Group Leader, Leibniz Institute for Catalysis) and Dr. Sergey Sergeyev (COO, The European Center for Chirality), as well as Dr. Uwe Müller (CEO, HAPILA GmbH) The 3rd 4chiral workshop was held last…
26. January 2013
Meet us at the 3rd 4chiral workshop on 26th of March in Bitterfeld

ChiroBlock is an established partner and co-founder of the 4chiral network. 4chiral is a network with superior expertise in R&D and production of chiral compounds. With its motto OUR CORE COMPETENCE IS CHIRALITY this network is conducting research and development projects in the field of chiral compounds, whereby the main…
26. October 2012
Synthesis of chiral b2-amino acids by asymmetric hydrogenation
Chiral b2-amino acids can be synthesized using their prochiral precursors b-aryl- or b-heteroaryl-a-N- benzyl/N-acetyl/N-Boc substituted a-aminomethylacrylates. These substrates were obtained using a Baylis-Hillman reaction, followed by acylation and amination. A broad scope of chiral catalysts, especially commercially available phosphorus ligands in combination with the transition-metal rhodium, have been tested…
2. August 2012
New approaches to 2-substituted 3-amino alcohols and related derivatives
Another in-house research project on enantioselective catalysis was successfully finished last month. Our researchers managed to find new approaches to 2-substituted 3-amino alcohols and related derivatives. These findings complement ChiroBlock’s proprietary know-how on enantioselective Michael additions in an ideal way and lay the basis for new business opportunities in our…
2. February 2012
BioTech Start up Lipocalyx – ChiroBlock have finished an other important milestone
Only half a year after the foundation of the biotech company Lipocalyx, an important milestone of the demanding business plan could be reached successfully: The first proof of a new and promising drug delivery approach was delivered. ChiroBlock, which took a strategical share in Lipocalyx, supports the company in providing…
14. July 2011
New Distribution Partner
Last month, a contract between the Germany based trading company ABCR, one of the leading providers of research chemicals, and ChiroBlock was signed. This agreement grants ABCR an exclusive and world wide right to sell research quantities of a selection of ChiroBlock’s compounds resulting from own research projects. This new…
15. January 2011
Continuous Flow Syntheses – ChiroBlock implements micro reactor system
After a longer period of testing several continuous flow system architectures, ChiroBlock has completed the implementation of the most suitable micro reactor system as standard synthesis operation this month. This investment is a response to the increasing demand for developing safe and high yielding synthetic processes for potentially hazardous and/or…
2. June 2010
Research Co-Laboration on Catalysis
This month, a research & development co-operation project between ChiroBlock and the Leibniz Institute of Catalysis (LIKAT) in Rostock was initiated. New approaches to small chiral building blocks are being investigated together during the next two years. While ChiroBlock contributes its experiences on chiral C-C couplings, the well renowned Rostock…
19. April 2010
New Patent Filed
As a result from ChiroBlock’s continuous research on stereo selective catalysis, another patent was filed recently (DE102009055183). There, our latest discoveries on catalysed formations of C-C – bonds are disclosed. This know-how forms the basis for new approaches to new, valuable – enantiomerically pure – building blocks.
7. July 2003
Management System Revised
ssl encoded chemical formula input tool In response to the requirements of our contract research customers in the life science industries, our management approaches have been thoroughly restructured and optimized. Now, there are four general areas of internal, project focused management structures ensuring efficient processes of rendering services. The new…
10. January 2002
New in-house research project started
beta amino acid Customers of ChiroBlock appreciate its focus on chemical research and small scale syntheses. So they only pay for what they need. Hidden cross – subsidies, as common in highly diversified ‘one-stop-shops’, are avoided. But customers also retain esteem for ChiroBlock’s staff as our experienced chemists are permanently…
7. October 2001
Start-up of the year 2001
ChiroBlock award ChiroBlock was awarded the title “Start-up of the year 2001 in Saxony – Anhalt” by a jury of senior managers, journalists and politicians. The positive development during the first two years, the clear business strategy and the focus on innovative solutions in chemistry were named as main criteria…
23. April 2001
New location
Chemistry Innovation Center Bitterfeld-Wolfen Two years after its foundation, ChiroBlock has moved from Merseburg to Wolfen. Our new location, the ‘Chemistry Innovation Center Bitterfeld-Wolfen’, offers much better conditions for our further development. New, modern laboratories, an excellent infrastructure, skilled chemical manpower and close collaborations between the numerous local chemical companies…
7. February 2001
New patent pending
A new patent covering the enantioselective chemo catalytic Michael addition of organo zinc reagents to 3-nitro acrylic acid esters has been filed by ChiroBlock (No. 10107528). It is the result of our extensive in-house research on this reaction type and should path the way for further success in this field…