New R&D Project: Isocitric Acid

In February 2019, a new research and development project has been launched at ChiroBlock. It’s topic is “The Synthesis of Isocitric Acid” and it will be part of our “IP-Factory” business line.
Together with research partners in Leipzig (UFZ Leipzig, INC Leipzig) we are aiming at the development of an economic and scalable manufacturing method of the pure isomer of this ubiquitous natural compound. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has decided to sponsor the activities of this venture during a 24 months period due to its high importance and potential economic impact.
Isocitric acid can be found in virtually every living cell as it is part of the so called “Citric Acid Cycle”. Despite its structural relation to the citric acid, which is sold as a multi tons product with an annual market size of nearly 3 billion USD, it is not commercially available on larger scales so far. The reason is the lacking method of synthesizing and purifying isocitric acid.
With our 20 years experiences on synthesis R&D regarding small natural compound molecules and its derivatives, this challenge very well fits into ChiroBlock’s capabilities and our business strategy. Together with the know-how of our research partners we should be able to develop a feasible and economic process of making this non-toxic, chiral compound that exhibits many promising properties for a multitude of applications by 2021.
The public grant is a proof of both the quality and relevance of this project and of the competence of all partners involved.