Promising News at Lipocalyx

Lipocalyx, a German biotech company in the field of non-viral transfection reagents, has been developing in a very impressive way since its foundation about five years ago.
Four different product lines were established all of which show excellent transfecting properties.
Their superiority compared to competing products did not only result in rising worldwide sales figures but also in more than 20 top-notch publications of scientists who managed to even address hardly accessible cells such as mesenchymal stem cells, macrophages, monocytes, myoblasts and hepatocytes (also refer to
Two weeks ago, lipocalyx closed a new deal with financial investors supporting the further growth of the company. ChiroBlock doesn’t only support this company by providing sophisticated compounds but we are also a co-founding partner right from the beginning. We are proud of the lipocalyx team and very much appreciate the fruitful co-operation between our two companies.