New QMS Software: Quality Management – a wide term that needs to get filled with life!

The term “Quality Management” causes quite diverse perceptions and feelings with different individuals:
- Pure joy with professional auditors and QM tutors who really know and like their business
- Fear, rejection with many passionate employees who are engaged with other, apparently more important tasks within a company – and
- Mere boredom and indifference with the huge rest of employees who just do their work and do not question any rules / decisions behind
While “pure joy” simply can not be indoctrinated into every employee’s brain, on the other hand, it can not be tolerated to have the majority of the staff opposing or just enduring “quality management”.
It is clear that a company without an effective and efficient quality management can not flourish: Quality management in a company is the counterpart of the nervous system in a living animal!
Neither a company nor an animal will survive with such a damaged or even missing system for long. These systems guarantee information, recording, instruction, reaction, reproducibility, flexibility and last but not least – a learning curve for the benefit of its owner.
According to our experiences, this statement and this comparison with living systems of nature open the employees mind for all aspects of quality management and, consequently, pave the way a fourth, and probably the most valuable attitude toward this matter: “positive awareness”.
Of course, it will not do just to positively open the staff members’ minds. One has to make sure that all elements of quality management are easily and unintrusively accessible at each step of everyday’s work. In the ideal state: The people even start to “play” with this system and develop it further on their own initiative! Here, the QM-software comes into play.
It can not been stressed enough: If the QM resides in kind of rotten, ill-designed or over-developed, super sophisticated system, it simply will not be accepted, it can not unfold all its potential, it just would be a waste of efforts and money.
While our QM-design is quite good and exactly tailored to the needs of a company of our size and industry, we had been suffering from such an old-fashioned, sub-optimal software until the date when we made the decision to replace it by a completely other tool.
After having tested several products, ChiroBlock finally opted for a solution that combines usability, flexibility, security, adaptability with reasonable pricing and an 24/7 support at no extra costs. This new software got implemented early in 2022. Everyone who has already managed a transfer of any management or data system from one software system to another can imagine how difficult and stressful this transfer was.
But in the end, all these efforts got rewarded by the desired positive effects that all of us enjoy every single day using the new system. It doesn’t just administer and display documents and rules but offers a number of additional features facilitating our work:
This ranges from managing dates, schedules, projects and tasks to the administration of improvement suggestions, comments, holiday plans, maintenance schedules, customer addresses, vendor performances, instruction manuals of machines, safety data sheets and much more.
It may sound either boring or self-evident – but it is probably the most exciting and unexpected result of our 2022er achievements: The implementation of our good QM into an equally optimal – and, hence, matching – software system was the most important measure of (and for) ChiroBlock of the last year!