ERDF supported Investment

ChiroBlock was granted a financial support by the European Regional Development Fund to facilitate the investment plans of our company. As part of ChiroBlock’s strategy, we decided to built a new “multi purpose pilot plant” facility. Currently, our activities in developing and synthesizing new fine and specialty chemicals are limited to the lab scale. The investment in the pilot plant enables us to respond to our customer’s requests as to extend the scale of our syntheses. The new facility is intended to support all four of our business fields:
“MoleculeFactory” – providing larger amounts of new compounds at lower costs, “ReDesignFactory” and “IP-Factory” – proving the feasibility of new or optimised synthetic routes on larger scales and “SupplyChainFactory” – meeting the client’s needs for exclusive chemicals made under special quality management requirements on a “semi-industrial” scale.
As a consequence of the multitude of requirements and possible products, we designed the pilot plant as “multi purpose” facility. It comprises a 60 l main reactor plus the necessary equipment for both adding reagents and for purifying and removing products. The pilot plant is complemented by cooling, heating and drying facilities. A special feature is the option to perform reactions at very low temperatures (-90°C) which is needed for many enantioselective transformations resulting in chiral compounds. The pilot plant is expected to be operable on August 1st 2018.